OK, strictly speaking, blue tits are seen. As are long-tailed tits.

And Tane, even when he's kind of hiding.

Or flying away.

But, here we are, starting with some that I care about because I like them and then some that I care about because they are dangerous:
microbes in soil - and in fact all the little living and non-living things that give earth this thin layer of potential.
plankton in the sea - the same story for them.
all the chemicals and micro-organisms given to the atmosphere by trees, which change weather.
creatures who are normally hidden from sight - worms and moles and badgers and bats and owls.
the unconscious processes that make saliva flow, sleep happen, answers to cryptic crossword puzzles arise and so on.
the sense of togetherness or connection or shared attention.
extinct beings.
toxins polluting soil, sea and air.
the sense of disgust or separation or prejudice.
landfills, mines, slaughterhouses, sweatshops, battery cages - all the parts of our rich societies that are hidden from us so that we don't go up in arms about them.
spy satellites and military drones.
Now some unseen things I don't care about one way or the other:
angels, fairies, elves, gods etc.
distant galaxies.
black holes.
those tiny particles - bosens? quarks? whatever. All of them.
This is quite an interesting exercise, I think.
I like the photos of the tit and of Tane.
I agree about the invisible-list exercise. It's VERY interesting. I "may" try it.