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  • Writer's pictureCrone

Aerial amour

The red kites seem to be doing a courtship dance. See how the one in front turns upside down?

I saw all this from my back garden. But while out and about I saw a male sparrowhawk and some buzzards. I'd gone for a brief trot at Cottesbrooke and then sat in the woods just being.

On the way out, I saw an older couple. The wife had a black labrador on a lead and was shouting to her husband, "Tom! Tom! You must get out of the car! You must walk."

I was pulling away and saw him tottering along supported by sticks. The woman met up with a man and his spaniel. The labrador pulled hard and the woman went over. She'd banged her head. I stopped the car and ran down to her. The woman was in shock. The 9 month old labrador desperately needed to expend energy and the man with the spaniel was trying to help. The disabled husband tottered back to his car, with the wife calling, "Tom! Tom! Don't leave me!" He did and reversed the car down the track. I led the lab to the car and he jumped in and got hooked up to a lead in the boot. I felt sorry for him as he needed a run. I felt sorry for the lady as she was at her wits' end and possibly concussed. I felt sorry for Tom. The woman, the spaniel man and I had a group hug before the husband and wife drove off. Tea, a shower and a G&T were prescribed for the woman.

It was all so sad.

I came home, went into the garden and saw the kites.

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Fabulous, exciting photos!

Very sad story about older couple and young dog.

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