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Covid-19 contemplation time

8 hours ago1 min read
Butter wouldn't melt...
Tane showed his true colours the other day: chasing off a poor dunnock who was trying to eat on the green box. The first time, he just...
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1 day ago1 min read
That thing about oneness - humans may experience “oneness” in meditation or psychedelics and then assume that that very experience is...
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2 days ago2 min read
The AI suggestions
"Embracing tree-time as a sacred ritual" - this is one of the AI suggestions today for a topic on my blog. It's somewhat unnerving. The...
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3 days ago4 min read
The narcissism of love
It is immensely gratifying to see the little birds foraging from the feeders. And then there is also this sense of "what a good person I...
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4 days ago1 min read
An eventful walk and a useful day
The useful day started with a song thrush singing lustily. I was at the reserve to volunteer. Tidying up where Scots pines had been...
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5 days ago1 min read
The surveillance continues
Feeding the crows has been frustrating as the gulls end up with most of the food. The Driveways and the Unbraves get a decent amount, but...
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6 days ago1 min read
The mystery
All this happened before the pied wagtail showed up. I went out with the afternoon refill for the feeders, and a blue tit was alone on...
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Feb 91 min read
Another walk, another video. I have been visiting these trees for quite a while now and the way the ash leans into the oak has always...
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Feb 81 min read
A friend sent me this article about how birds breathe. She wrote, "breathing for birds is continuous flow, not there-and-back. What must...
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Feb 71 min read
Lately, I haven't seen much of the squirrels. One eats on the patio when I am inside, but instead of the constant coming and going,...
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Feb 62 min read
Erik Jampa Andersson sent out an interesting piece about this transition time between Winter and Spring. He talks of a time of...
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Feb 52 min read
Beings and becomings
Here's what I think: that nature people, conservationists, biologists, naturalists, however we term them, favour either beings or...
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Feb 42 min read
Visiting the oldies
I went to see the King Oak and ended up visiting the Queen Ash, finding two other ancient oaks and two badger setts! King Oak, AKA...
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Feb 31 min read
The Little Foxes
The Young Vic was my destination. The play starred Anne Marie Duff , who was excellent. Though the first review I looked at (just now)...
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Feb 21 min read
They make my heart sing
Do you remember Willis, in The Cosby Show? He used to ask some question with a frown? I think this tit has the same expression. I was...
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Feb 12 min read
The ancient beech outside the ruined church needed a visit, so I set off with my camera. This tree has a uniquely beechy form... by which...
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Jan 312 min read
Attention, Action, Honour
So, the Woodland Trust are felling five of the oak trees on the reserve who have Acute Oak Decline. They believe that the three bacteria...
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Jan 301 min read
Walk of wonders
This is actually two separate walks. The first was, as you might be able to tell, the same day as I made the video of the swan. The...
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Jan 291 min read
Riders in the storm
I had expected stormy horribleness, but though it was windy, the sky was blue and I ventured out with the camera. Two videos today... and...
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Jan 281 min read
Unseen things I care about
OK, strictly speaking, blue tits are seen. As are long-tailed tits. And Tane, even when he's kind of hiding. Or flying away. But, here we...
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