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  • Writer's pictureCrone


This is a tree I came across about 18 months ago, but I didn't do more than look at him. It was when I found a dead muntjac tangled in the fence. Anyway, I returned and climbed!

This is a truly lovely tree. Judging by Ian's reckoning, I think he must be at least 300.

I took a lot of pictures, as my way of getting to know him better and appreciate him more.

When I sat with the tree, I had an interesting message. It was about "the indistinct". And this is hard to express. Basically, it was about how the "good" lies in a realm of indistinctness. Because all is connected and impacts everything in unexpected ways, it's hard to pin down what is good.

Trees use this understanding: I go from seed, to plant, to soil. As seed, I am all about my own potential. As plant, I grow into the world and the world grows into me and we are about each other. As soil, I am all about the world.

Thus, a tree matures away from distinctness towards indistinctness.

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댓글 2개

5월 16일

Majesty looks like a very good tree for climbing! Interesting about the interconnectedness. I'm still working on the Thinking Like A Plant book but I liked when he talked about how a plant is a process of changes, a flowing that is always the integral connection to their environment.

5월 18일
답글 상대:

Yes, and you put it beautifully.

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