I finished Zoopolis and have started the Stephen Clark book. I like is already. It's a series of essays - which makes it slightly easier reading in some ways. I also like his dry humour and, oddly, the fact he is religious. Yes! I know! Surprised me too - both that he is and that I wasn't put off by it.
Perhaps the reason is that this gives him a foundation for his belief that all life is, in a sense, sacred. That humans aren't the pinnacle. Like the Christian author of the Dominion book I read, he quotes Biblical verses that support the view that we are just one part of creation. Just one. Not special. And that rationality doesn't give us a moral privilege over other creatures.
He is also not a utilitarian.
This is good.
It is also good that I have renewed my supplies of cashews and pumpkin seeds for me and bird seeds and mealworms for the birds. Plus, cat toothpaste.
I am to see my friend Leanne the day after tomorrow and have some extra work next year.
The crow drawing is not yet a disaster: the too-short legs can be remedied.
I ran a new (well, new to the last few months) route - in the sun - and hence even have a few photographs. That said, the run was short and slow - yesterday, I had to stop and walk part of the way back. My legs just gave out.
Oh yes, and I have a bag of clothes ready for the Air Ambulance people to collect.
That might exhaust my reasons for joy. But they add to the essential fortune of having a home, food and creature companions, paid work and free time. Really, am I not blessed by the divinity Clark but not Crone believes in?