I said that I can't make sense of the robins; well, I can't make sense of the crows either.
At the park, everyone was looking at me cawing, then seeming to caw at someone else, then a few chases, and initially no one would come down. They knew I was there and leaving food; they'd TOLD me to leave food, but they weren't coming down. In fact, they were all staying near the tops of the trees, where they could see everything that was happening. Whatever it was that was happening.
Finally, some did and I was pleased to see them eating. But the Unbrave Two had lost all theirs to the pigeons so I gave them some more when they asked.
On the way home, one of the Driveways, who are usually very shy crows, perched above me close enough to photograph.
I love his expressions. That head-tilt is hilarious!
One other corvid anomaly: I think White Wing may be back and seems to have made friends with the Flyings. She was eating with them a couple of times. Of course, this may be another crow with similar white patches on the underside of the wings, perhaps even one of their fledglings. Whatever the case, I had never seen those two tolerate another crow before.
Yes, I love those expressive photos of the Driveway -- they are very focused on you. Glad the crows are still keeping you guessing! Ha Ha. Hope you can catch photos of the white winged crow.