Chunky! But check out the background...
There was one fox at the start then two then one. I don't know if that means four different foxes or just two. But I am always excited to see two at the same time.
The foxes ate the peanuts and cat food and the peanuts buried by the squirrels but ignored the dog biscuits. A blackbird had a go - eyes bigger than beak.
What was great was seeing a hog for the first time in months. I had started to wonder if they'd died in the drought because the worms burrow so deep down. Anyway, I do still have one little chap.
Thanks for the movies! Great to see your friends again. Pleased to see the hog :-) How do they manage in cold weather? I imagine they curl up of course but do they make/find a den? That blackbird should do what crows often do - soften a peanut in a puddle. That might have helped BB deal with a big dog biscuit. Foxes have such beautiful tails - especially in the winter. Maybe the foxes are mates and will produce whatever little foxes are called ... ps I was going to say kit. But also cub or pup, apparently. Kit seems to be more in North Amercia, and cub more UK ...