...before I must hand in the squizzel essay.
I have now rewritten it 14 times and am thinking that it might well need a 15th.
In my supervision, Ben said he'd see if I could get some extra training on essay writing, but that won't happen in time for this piece. Golden thread, I keep thinking, GOLDEN BLOODY THREAD.
What I m trying to work out is how to fit in the bit about relational bonds - and that gets in the way. So, I am now thinking that if I shunt it up to the top, when considering speciesism per se, it might flow better. I'll give that a go as right now although it flows from where I have it, it does not flow well into how I want to end. The bit where I want to end is too high up.
Though, maybe... Oh, Lord, I just keep on cutting and pasting, cutting and pasting. I'm losing track.
Squirrels, the real ones, are meant to live solitary lives, but there are two in my garden. I think one may be a juvenile as its tail is less bushy. It's not that they seem especially fond of each other, but I got the impression they were acting as look out for each other. I like it how they freeze when you look at them, when they think you might not have seen them. If they know you've seen them, sometimes they chatter and other times wave their tails. When you turn away, they scarper.
Anyway. Back to cutting and pasting.