It seems that someone else's root has intertwined with the roots of this tree, passing over and under and through. As our lives interweave.
In the Netflix series, The OA (which I really like), there's a section about trees sending each other food. The loss of a tree makes a hole in the canopy and that is, in the terms of the show, bad for the other trees. I'm not sure that's the case. But the idea of each supporting the most vulnerable, because we are stronger together, appeals to me.
In Wild Justice, there are stories of animals doing exactly that. Elephants and chimps and rats and even cats - the cat Libby who led her deaf and blind dog-friend around so that he could find food.
Oh for us to see that we are not only individuals. Or individuals who can 'do good' by giving money. How about as intertwined, bodily and emotionally and socially? Weaving over and under and through?
I am brief today. Tired. Wishing that the world could always be connected and whole not abstracted and in parts. I long for the Iain McGilchrist world where the emissary no longer rules the master. I long for the personal and intuitive, the unique and the shared. I long to feel embedded not disjointed.
Today I hugged a tree. And old oak with a diameter of more than ten feet I fancy at the height of my shoulders. I laid my cheek on the sun-warmed bark and it's rough solidity soothed me. I tried to imagine its life force and its being.