And the disappointment.
So, I thought a crow person had come to visit. I was very excited. Small crow, I thought, as I looked at him. But, I was looking through a grubby door and grubbier windows, maybe my perspective was off.
And why was he just sitting there? Silent? Wings kind of hanging? He looked at me but appeared... underwhelmed.
Then I realised the reason for his stillness...

A cat person.
I did a hiss face with a 'making myself big' body posture - as well as I could without hair to puff up - and the cat ran away. It has a rather sweet face, looking at it, and I feel bad for scaring it. BUT I had to think of the starlings and sparrows that scamper on the ground. The robins and tits and... blackbirds.
Wait a minute.
I got out the monocular and looked at my 'crow'. He was not a crow. In fact, I wasn't sure he was a blackbird, what with the not-yellow bill. It didn't look yellow, at any rate... But the eye was not a crow eye. It was a large and gentle eye, not a 'what can I get out of this situation?' eye.
I checked out the book. Turns out the blackbird juveniles have a dull bill. So, he was a blackbird in his first winter. And the good news is that pretty cat did not have him for dinner.