...what's the other thing? Death? Oh. Famine. Right.
So, there are always people starving. The year started with wildfires, and there were more of them in the summer in California, and the plague thing is pretty obvious. Homes in Northampton have been evacuated due to flooding. Poor people in school halls over Christmas - during a bloody pandemic.
Maybe these are the end times?
My friend said to me today that tiresome thing about this 'pressing a reset button' and we'll all come out of this better. Me, I think that those who learn don't need a disaster to learn and those who don't learn don't even learn from a disaster. There's some fact about how the generation of kids in a pandemic grows up fucked up. The boomers have already created a moderately fucked up few generations, so it'll be interesting to see what fucked up exponentially is. If you follow me.
Do you buy the reset button thing? Are there any signs, really, that people are kinder and more tolerant? Less tediously self-seeking? I don't think so. But maybe I just can't remove my grey tinted spectacles.
Apparently about two thirds of our personality arises from memories we don't remember and events that never reach consciousness. And as for the rest, it's not as if we have much control - if any - over the other third. We are a little peak of an iceberg blissfully ignorant of the mass beneath, whose interaction with the tides and currents determines our trajectory. The wind we feel on that little exposed minority of mass makes not the blindest difference to anything.
Huff and puff and absolutely nothing happens at all.