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  • Writer's pictureCrone

Itsy bitsy things

So, I think I have managed to make the lens more secure.

I was looking for mosses to try to see how different they are - but I think the magnification is such that instead I see all the different things in a moss. Lichens? Fungi? Seeds? Who knows!

What was even more thrilling was the underside of the bark on which some of this moss was growing.

Now that is seriously scary!!! Don't have nightmares.

I have no idea what any of this stuff is!

Now, I am not motivated by being able to label and classify. What I'd like to know is if this is an index to the age of the woodland or the biodiversity of it. If this suggests lots of farm chemicals or a relatively uncontaminated space.

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Jan 20, 2023

You are making good use of the microscope. I'm curious what the set-up with your phone looks like. Perhaps take a picture in a mirror?

Jan 20, 2023
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