While I was doing my destructive acts of conservation (sycamores were the target), I came across this micro-habitat. A lake the size of your hand, moss vegetation and tiny fungal trees. I showed one of the Reserve Officers and he told me that the place would be teeming with moss piglets.
Moss piglets? The formal name is tardigrades. They look like incy-wincy bears but are perhaps the hardiest creatures on earth. They can survive desiccation and high impacts; they've been around 600 million years and they may be on the moon. Delivered by spaceship.
I am hoping that in the years to come I will benefit from a larger habitat. While running the other day I met someone who works on the Althorp Estate - turns out most of the places I run are owned by Althorp. Apparently, Lord Spencer - brother of Diana - has been traveling all round investigating conservation management and they are planning big changes. More set-aside land and wild habitats. He, the Lord guy, paid with his own money to plant some... large amount of wildflowers.
The man I met told me that Adey Greenho, the estate's conservation manager, used to be a gamekeeper. That may sound paradoxical but it makes sense to me. He has a great Twitter feed - I don't use Twitter but this Adey posts amazing photos and apparently information too.
I was really excited to speak to the man and by what he had to tell me. I wish they were reintroducing wolves and lynxes, but habitat for insects and birds, water voles and otters is pretty good.