First up is a tree with healed scars all down the south side of the trunk and south facing branches. We, by which I mean me and the guy at Forest Research, think the tree survived a huge infection.

This oak is a real beauty. The branches rise so gracefully. And what resilience!
Like the hawthorn the other day, this tree can take on iron and win!

On the same day, I came across three interesting insects. The caterpillar of a pale tussock moth, who was very determined to climb on me, hornets (as I mentioned in yesterday's post), and some creature that at first I thought was an invertebrate push-me-pull-you but was presumably two creatures mating. On my hat.
As this is a random selection, let me add these, seen in a field.
A fungus that looks like a stone and a stone that looks like a fungus.
This is the wonder of it: all these tiny moments in my life were made magical by really very normal things. Just seeing stuff. Just paying attention.
Very good action movie of the caterpillar 🙂