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  • Writer's pictureCrone

Another patch of heaven

I wrote 'The Elm Copse' but that's because it's where I found the Wych Elms - the wood is mainly made up of Ash, Oak and Sycamore with some Scots Pines.

At this point I had been sitting still and silent for 25 minutes. The birds' alarm calls had quietened.

I was so still and silent that a squirrel ran right toward me and foraged in the leaf litter just a few feet away, without noticing me. I watched a family of Blue Tits pass through overhead, swinging on the leaves.

At one point a small plane and a helicopter passed overhead very close together - so loud! The calling birds increased the volume of their calls to be heard above the disturbance!

Among the birds, I heard another (or the same) Marsh Tit (ornithologist Neil had told me that it would not be uusual to hear one here) and a Nuthatch! This bird sounds very different to the ones I am used to hearing and so I noticed the call and was able, I think, to spot the bird!

The wood has an area with a lot of Dog's Mercury. Turns out it's highly poisonous, so just as well that I didn't forage it. It also shades out rarer plants, like Oxslip.

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Jul 23, 2022

Read about the poisonous plant. Smells bad too so it gives you warning!!

Jul 24, 2022
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That proves you ARE good at identification 😎

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