Yes, I know. Esoteric as fuck.
I'll start with something from Arne Naess in a chapter about self-realization - which means realizing the potentialities of all life as means to develop the ecosophical self... I don't fully understand either.
Happiness is a feeling, yes, but the act of realizing a potential is always an interaction involving one single concrete unit, one gestalt, I would say, and three abstract aspects, subject, object, medium. What I said about joyfulness in nature holds for happiness in nature. We should not conceive them as merely subjective feelings.
What it seems to suggest is that a potential is a relationship with another through a shared medium. It is not done in isolation.
I mentioned in a previous post that I feel stuck and don't get calcination - that burning off of impurities. So I decided to do a tarot reading focusing on roots, deep experiences and the progress through the seven processes of alchemy.
It's kind of interesting.
First - a photo break.

Not roots, but very lovely.
Calcination - which is meant to be about burning away. I got Three of Cups. That means a shared community, benevolent and accepting, where all is woven together, without discrimination. It encouraged me to feel that calcination could simply be the process by which I gain what is to be worked with.
Dissolution - this is dissolving that substance, or immersing the idea-tapestry into the unconscious to dissolve there. Queen of Pentacles. She refers to the other kind of dissolution, as in a dissolute life, luxury. All are welcome. No work is done! I imagine the experiences, all of them melting into sleepy dreams.
Separation - what it says on the tin, extracting what is precious. Four of Wands. This is a celebration for what has been given... maybe appreciating the precious extracts.
Conjunction. This is about recombining the precious extracts and attaining a balance. This is when I drew the only Major Arcana (suitable as the planet for this is the Sun and the metal is gold.) The Chariot. This card means victory - but in my pack it says, "Bring the chaotic strands together and weave them into a harness that will fuel your travels." Very apt.
Fermentation is the strange one. This is Venus and seems to be about love. The process is like intercourse, I suppose. The card was the Page of Swords. He is an unattached, disinterested observer! Watching, missing nothing. Hmmm. A reminder that much as one relates to other, one is separate? A reminder that the other is always a being in her own right? The curiosity and interest inherent in love? Missing nothing... the card suggests taking in the totality of things...
Distillation is appropriate. I drew the Two of Swords. This is a waiting, waiting, waiting for the answer to be revealed, in its own way.
And Coagulation, when all comes together. The Knight of Cups. This is great. "An untamed soul ready to journey beyond the known place to find their destiny... the greater danger is found in not pursuing your dreams."
Let's sit with that idea.

Yes, I am sitting with that idea. The adventure continues ... xx