This is definitely Tiny...
...but the question remains: Who is THIS?
So, the investigation began around 24th April and the final video is from the 28th - apologies for the delay...
Here I have differentiated between brave Scarface and shy Tiny. But Tiny does not seem to have the same mottled undercarriage as the robin in the top photo.
Is Mottled Robin related to Scarface? Did Scarface's scar and Bobbit's bedraggled plumage have a common origin story, by which I mean, did they fight? Why is Mottled so mottled?
I guess by the time you read this I might have some answers. Should evidence come to light, I will add it to this post. But if the post ends here, you know that all the questions remain unanswered.
I don't know!!! I did find a discussion on ruffled/raggedy robins