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  • Writer's pictureCrone

Divine news

CC lives on Prince Edward Island which is on the east coast of Canada and is where the Anne of Green Gables series was set. About 10 days ago the island was hit by Hurricane Fiona. There was tremendous devastation, with trees toppled across roads and on to houses.

30,000 people were without electricity for well over a week.

So that meant that my regular reader had gone!

No, seriously, it meant that I could not contact CC. I did not know if the maple tree had fallen on her home. I did not know if she and Mr. CC were uninjured. I was very worried and I missed her.

I'd read about the devastation on the CBC website and there I saw that journalist Shane Ross is based in the town where Elly lives. So I emailed him and begged him to help me get in touch.

Now, this is just beautiful - Shane not only responded but said he would go over to CC's house and check up on her for me. I received this email while I was feeding the Divines - and that makes this feeding session the best ever.

Though my joy was ramped up even further when Shane emailed again. He had seen CC and she is fine - cooking on a camping stove and unharmed. He sent me a picture of her smiling broadly.

I cried when I saw the photo - both my relief and my delight to see her bravery and resilience.

Shane Ross - what a wonderful human being. If there are journalism awards going, I hope he gets one.

Bless the Divines, too... I kind of feel that they did the crow thing, and opened communication channels.

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Oct 05, 2022

p.s. What a super video with so many interactions to and fro-ing :-)


Oct 04, 2022

Bless Crone and bless Shane and bless the lovely Devines! Just got back in contact via the internet/phone half an hour ago. Goodnight for now. Shane lives just a few blocks away in an street hard hit so he may not have power back yet. But maybe tomorrow for him ...💗💙💚 p.s. It feels so strange being "connected" again and not having to carry a flashlight in my pocket ... Thanks again, Everyone xxxx

Oct 05, 2022
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I am so glad you are OK!!! xxx

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