I really do think that I keep photographing the same blue tit. It would not be that surprising: birds are, after all, individuals and, like us, some are braver than others. This chap will tolerate being photographed and often preens above my head when I am standing under the lilac.
I like this sequence [I will accept this as an accurate term. On this one occasion. - Ed.]
Look at his hairdo in that first one!!
Here he's puffing himself up with a shake.
And I filmed him preening. I like the way the wings look!
Then I noticed Mrs Mohican Blue...
And she was checking out the nest box...
Now I am loathe to sit in my usual place by the green box as that is right under that nest box.
A week later - and I had seen her collecting wool in the garden:
I am still keeping my distance though. Honest!
I can't be causing too much grief as right next to my head I heard the sound of wingbeats... was this a blue tit mating session??
Well, maybe courtship. But, whatever, it was something of a thrill. There was also a high pitched squeal - which might not be clear in the audio. Intriguing.
Ah yes ... of course!!!! Mohican Blue. Perfect name 😎 His "do" is quite spiffy. So ... it looks like Mrs M.B. is going to nest in the box. Do you know if she has? Hope so. Yes I like the wing and tail feathers in the preening vid (spread out like a fan). Gosh birds make a big production out of preening! YES, I hear loud squealing in the last vid! It went on a long time. Who was making that "noise"? Part of mating? Well ... what a great tit post to explore first thing in my morning!!!