I should mention that I have done some housekeeping AKA deleting. I've already had to upgrade once for all the photos I post but I had filled up the memory cache with videos before I realised it was better to link to YouTube. So, I deleted all the videos... which means probably about three years of posts with a lot of black holes. Never mind. Needs must.
I had a morning bright with baby birds. The jay was actually in the park.
In fact, I could just have shown this...
More on the robins...
And you can see the difference between Scarface and Mottled Breast - both of whom were tending babies!
I think this is Tane.
I've not seen so much of the tits lately, so I was gratified to see a great tit (whom I didn't manage to snap), a blue tit and the little coal tit.
It's still hard to film much - and the garden is now a jungle: the wet summer has turbo-charged all the plants. I hear a lot of rustlings and cheepings, but see relatively little!