It's really hard to care about anything without Bobbit. In fact, I wanted to jack in everything: Austria, Finland, videos, blog, even life! I am sure that sounds extreme... but on so many occasions I was feeling that I was living on the precipice of a deep depression and Bobbit's presence and spirit would push me back from the brink and remind me of the grace of this Earth.
I go out looking for him and try to focus on my other garden residents. Like Mohican Blue.

I hear sounds from the nest box. The female hisses sometimes and there's a sort of squeaky-whine at times.
The tits alarm at the cat, but also at the jay, who is still coming, and the magpies. They don't seem too bothered about the squirrels. They don't seem to mind me being present but they don't appreciate the camera.
It's funny, but I am sure that the blue tits on the Reserve are more brightly coloured than these urban cousins.
I think there's another pair nesting now in the scrub where I see Tiny go with food. For a while I thought there was a nest under the front lilac, as I heard sounds in there when I sat outside to work.
The little coal tits are still coming to feed - they are more wary, as in the great tit. All the leaves make photographs of them well-nigh impossible.
Hard times for you. Interesting to see and hear about the tits x