Once again, we went seeking night thrills and received night calm!
This time, Clare and I were really hoping to see badgers. No joy at all on that front. The mother and baby muntjac came across us and got separated. Both started barking. Then a male (I think) joined in and we were effectively triangulated by muntjacs. I said, "They're planning an attack!" But no... eventually they found each other and calmed down.
We saw bats and heard a tawny owl; we disturbed the rooks and watched them flock over the lake. We visited Kairos and Clare liked him.
A few hours of peace and outside-ness.
Clare pointed out all the rings on the water - fish feeding! I don't think I'd ever seen (or rather NOTICED) that before. A song thrush was the latest songbird to perform, continuing through the dusk to sunset at 9:15pm (this was late July).
The moon was full, or the day after full, and huge and golden - but it was behind us, over a hill, and I only saw it on the way home.
I got back some time around 11pm and sat with the cats and a glass of organic rosé watching Money Heist for an hour and then I slept better - and longer - than I have in weeks.
Special outing -- even without the badgers. Beautiful photo by Clare. Great video -- I liked watching and listening to the rooks (reminded me of what the crows here do over fall and winter).. Neat about the fish feeding (I remember B showing me that on a pond.) Well told story about the muntjac family! I have made note to watch "Money Heist" when I get back on Netflix this fall.