The baby squirrel is still having much of the Unbraves' food. They sit on the fence looking down at him disconsolately.
Oh, did you know you can briefly hypnotise a squirrel by making your arm do squirrel-tail flicks? I've tried it twice and on both occasions the squirrel sat staring at me in confusion for about 15 seconds before scampering away. You sort of hold up the elbow and flick the wrist to mimic that "I've seen you" gesture of squirrels.
Anyway, drama with the Divines.
I fed Divo and then went down to where the three kicked out kids were hanging out and laid some food down there. After a time, they alighted and then a Flying zoomed in to chase them off. At that, Divo, who keeps them well out of his patch, launched across in defense of the kids! Mrs Flying then had to assist her mate but Divo won the day - plus I called the Flyings over for food and they came.
As soon as the Flyings had gone, Divo pecked at the kids - then remembered that he had his own food, which a pigeon was eating, so he went back and the kids were able to eat in peace.
It was great to see that he does look out for them.
It's funny that I have seen both Driveways and both Flyings and even Droopy, but I have not seen Diva at all. Last year I never saw her either. Maybe that's why she was the most successful mother?
The most successful observer is Mr. Driveway. He saw me coming back from Waitrose with shopping bags and flew onto an aerial opposite, from which he eyed me. I clucked at him and he cawed for food. I thought he recognised the bags - as he'd appeared as I was coming around the corner, heading toward my house. But when I went in, I saw that my "crow" bag is from M&S not Waitrose. So he must recognise me as me. Anyway, I fed him and Four, who was the only other crow I saw on this occasion.
To finish, a boring video of Mr Driveway who is never keen on having his picture taken,
I still am surprised that the crows let the squirrel eat their food. OF COURSE, Mr Driveway recognizes you !!😃 ps I will try the wrist trick next time I have the chance ...