I was wondering and wandering in the hazel coppice after checking the sheep (you'll have to wait for that) and thinking how strange it was.
The bare earth and shining stems.
I came out on the other side, where a lot of ash trees had been planted.
I love ash trees - their bark and filigree leaves - but I was thinking how humans can even screw up trees. These single species, single aged rows!
Then I noticed the snails. It was the first time I had seen snails on bark... I'm sure they've been there all along... but I noticed and kept on noticing.
The last picture is later the same day in another wood - and still I was seeing snails on trees.
Strangely, one seemed to have decided my front door was a tree.
It was very dry. I put it in the garden in the hope it would recover.
That's exciting. Must be time of year. Found this from UK https://ladybeltparkobservations.wordpress.com/2021/08/13/snails-up-trees/
Here's another one from Europe https://ladybeltparkobservations.wordpress.com/2021/08/13/snails-up-trees/