As I had been bemoaning the lack of tree-time, I visited the spinney where I saw the stag and climbed the tree. No animal sightings at all on this day. Apart from two wood pigeons.
I sat on the branch and tried to calm my mind. I was feeling scattered and fragmented. The monkey-mind chittering and chattering about I don't know what. It had been hard to force my body beyond a walk. The heaviness of limbs and fatigue.
Slowly the tree worked its magic.
As I sat there, on the branch, I imagined a friendly creature, a curious creature, someone with dextrous hands or feet who could reach out and touch me. I imagined the kind eyes of this creature, a creature unafraid of humans. Soft to touch and gentle as the rain. A clever creature who could read my intentions. How we would sit there and look into the trees.
And then I realised the creature, like ET, would be tried and tested by scientists. Taken away and inspected. The creature wouldn't trust us for long.
Besides, I suppose I have a friendly creature.
Hello wonderful Friendly Creature!