When I went to feed the Crows the other day, everyone was out in pairs. the front page shows Three and Droopy - I am pretty sure that it's Droopy who has been nursing a bad foot. I also saw both Flyings, Mr and Mrs Fluffy and Divo and Diva. No sign at all of young.
That said, one morning I saw the Crows which I think are the Driveways watching very carefully as a smaller Crow swooped and dived above them. The young one was playing - doing fly-pasts, climbs and steep descents. The parents seemed slightly anxious as this took place above a busy road. Though I have seen the Driveways, I have seen only one or both adults, so I cannot be sure.
You'll have noticed no mention of Seeds (CD in a less male variant!). Indeed, I have not seen her. I feel sad and worried and desperately hope she's with the young.
Divo has been of much comfort. He is like a scruffy punk with his messed up feather, ratty tail and spiky head.

But they all seem more nervous than before nesting - and very glad for the extra food.
Talking of extra food, this chap didn't wait for it to be handed out.
Clare had sent it to me before but as I watched it again, I decided that I had to share it here.
I just hope that I get to see Seeds again....
Hi Crone. I was hoping to hear from you about the park crows. So good to get the interesting report and that pic of Divo and Three and Droopy -- but yes, worrisome that Seeds hasn't been around. Toes crossed. Clare's video is fun! That crow knows what he wants and how to get it. Is it a loaf of bread?