In this hole, there was a dead Bee and another close the the entrance. A third buzzed around me. I wondered if it was the chemicals that had been sprayed on the fields.
So I was delighted later to hear some very loud buzzing from the tree next to the one where I found the Raptor perch. I walked round and there, in a split in the vast trunk, was a wild Bee nest!
I wanted to see more, so I tried to get a better angle...
Now, this was rather worrying as 20 years ago I suffered anaphylactic shock after a sting. It was a Wasp sting and followed about a month after another Wasp sting, so maybe my immune system was in overdrive. Anyway, I ended up in hospital and was told to carry an epi-pen. That lasted maybe six months before I gave up. Since, I'd been stung by Horseflies, Mosquitoes and Midges, but not Bees or Wasps.
I ran up to the nearest house - about three quarters of a mile away. By this time I had pulled the sting out (the Bee had stung my temple) and was pretty sure I was OK, but I asked the home-owner if I could sit there for ten minutes to be sure. She game me a glass of water and applied some ammonia which is meant to help.
No allergic reaction, but 24 hours later the sting is still very painful and it feels like part of my face is a bit numb.
The truly painful aspect of this is that I did not sufficiently respect the Bees - and one of them had to die to teach me a lesson that I should already have learned.
I did get a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down, though.

Four Cygnets (which you can't really see) and a Heron.
Good grief! That second video is scary! Glad you -- and the cygnets are doing ok x