A few days earlier, I had been with Son of Bob and "saw" him singing. I could hear the very quietest song of a robin - as though far distant. And his beak was closed - what I saw was the movement of the feathers at his throat and over his chest.
On this day, he sang with his beak open - but still very very quietly.
Now, Bob has not been singing in my garden for a long time. And recent sightings - I know it's Bob as twice - including on this day of filming - he has fed from my hand - he looks battered and bruised. Missing some feathers on his red breast. Once before, I was sure that SoB had chased him off - and this video shows that indeed, the young stag is grown... even though he still looks like a baby.
Quite a familial tale! What will happen next I wonder? I assume SoB is learning to sing. Quite something - how he "yawned". Quite something that you caught these goings on. I like the surprise of the bit of slo mo at the end.😎