This is where we walked the other day. I had not realised that it had rained so much in between times.
I met dogs. A mixed breed from Romania who does not like men; a black lab of exceptional bounciness; two adorable cocker-poos in zip up coats; three Sprockers, one black one apparently has the loveliest nature, another quiet black one and a black and white puppy; a chocolate lab of great sweetness; a yellow lab who wasn't sure of me (Lola) and Joey, who belongs to Shauna, and had a smart purple coat on. The dogs were with people. I also spoke to the people. Found out about a man with ten Vizlas who walked there once and one of his dogs bit the woman with the dog from Romania.
But I also met worms. Many of them. On the track. I guess they'd been washed there by the running water and were now stranded. One was definitely dead. A few perhaps dead but many wriggled as I placed them back on the field.

I took this photo to show a very small worm and my new running shoes. These had their first outing and got a big thumbs up from me. Especially as they were 50% off.